Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Just a bit of news...

If you are reading this, then you likely were not hit by the DNS malware  plague that was all over the news a couple of days ago.  Since Y2K, I am highly suspect of "the sky is falling" news when it comes to computers.  One day that will come back and bite in the tush but for now I am in my happy place.

I really don't have much to say, other than I have pneumonia.  I woke up at 3:00 am last Weds because I was having trouble breathing.  It took a little while, but I finally decided that I needed to go to the hospital, and got Murray up to take me.  Anyway, end result of bloodwork and xrays was diagnosis of double bilateral pneumonia.  So, I am on antibiotics, staying out of the sun, and resting. 

I was told, in the gentlest way possible, that my Stampin Up supplier will be moving to Stony Plain Alberta in August.  This on top of my illness.  It is a wonder that I am able to function at all!!  I will so miss the stampin up times, but more so I will miss Chris and her family.  Stony Plain has no idea how lucky it is.

I am not able to be out in the garden much, or to mow my lawn, or do any of the outside things I like to do because I am supposedly ill.  So, I am knitting fiendishly on another lace shawl.  For very different reasons, it has been every bit as much fun as the first one was!  However, several of the Knitwits group are working on the same patterns so we are able to commiserate together.  Misery loves company, as they say.

Well, it is getting close to my bedtime - these days I follow a newborns schedule of being awake 1 hour and asleep for the next 4.  Hopefully I will be "cured" soon and able to stay up for a long time, like 2 hours, without having a nap. 


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 1, 2012

I love the July 1 parade.  Whenever possible - all family members come out.  ESPECIALLY Holly and her family.  WITHOUT a doubt one of my VERY FAVORITE FAMILY MEMBERS CERTAINLY WORTH NOTING AND NEVER, EVER FORGETTING.  (trying to assuage hurt feelings.  Hmmm???? Peri-menopause?????? Nope nope, not going there, goodness knows how I would every assuage THAT!).

back l - r Princess Dana, Tyler, Bev Dodd, Brad, George, Kelly; Middle Bonnie and Wade, Front: Owen, Declan, Grampa

Kenzie on CU Float

Brad, Declan, Owen

Declan watching the most interesting thing in the parade

The most interesting thing in the parade

This year was a particularly big crowd, family wise.