Went to a specialist this week - positive I knew where his office was located. Of course I was entirely wrong. I couldn't pronounce the specialists name. I couldn't spell it either. I didn't bring his card, as I knew the time and place right?! Found out pretty fast that if you can't pronounce it or spell it 411 can't help you. I did manage to phone my own voice manager and listen to the message reminder the office made for me the previous day, got the number, got the address and to my credit I w a s in the right city.
On the way out I went to Michaels to get a dear dear lady a gift certificate retirement gift from several people in the office from where I retired from but seem to work at a lot anyway. We had collected enough for $175. Got the card picked out, and realized that I couldn't find the envelop of money. Struggled with the subconcious "where the heck did I put that? Did it drop on the ground or something?" voice all the time I was paying with my credit card and on the drive home.
On same trip to Michaels I bought yarn to make an "arm knitted" cowl for Aynsley. As well, I bought meat and fruit and vegetables in bulk from COSTCO. When I got home, I had some things to prepare for the Library board meeting the next night. But...to relax a little I started the cowl only to realize that I can't put it down until it is finished! How to you 'set aside' knitting that is being done on your arms??? Had to knit until the wee small hours (near 9:30 PM) and then start dividing up meat and veg and fruit and putting away! Not into my little bed until almost 11:30 AND I HAD TO WORK THE NEXT DAY!! God I am old....
At the Library board meeting the next night, it occurs to me that I never did get around to preparing stuff. I ask the board to move adoption of a blank budget, but the board is full of fidgety types when it comes to money and actually wanted details like real numbers in A L L the blank lines. Tabled of course. "Tabled" means prolong the agony for another month.
The next day is the DAY AFTER THE MEETING and the first DAY THAT I DON'T HAVE TO WORK AT THE OFFICE FROM WHICH I RETIRED BUT SEEM TO WORK AT A LOT ANYWAY. Phew. What a relief. I do an extra thorough job of housecleaning (i.e. the dishes and make the bed) and then treat myself to 9 episodes of Coronation Street.
Friday night is the supper out retirement party. So of course I spend the day making a card. Well, not just a card, a card A N D a gift card holder. Once the gift card holder is done, I try the gift card and it is just SMIDGE too small to hold the card. So I walk from my kitchen to the craft room to enlarge it a smidge and when I try the card to see if it fits now - I can't find it. Must have left it in the kitchen. While I am down at this end of my house I will gather up a load of laundry and then look for the card in the kitchen. I guess I see a bright light, as when it is time for me to leave I realize that I haven't found the gift card. I look. I search. I panic. I hunt. Murray helps me look. We look together. We look separately. We DO NOT FIND the card. I go to the grocery store and buy "Master Card" gift cards. I do, however, find the envelop of money as it is in the way in my purse when I am looking for my credit card to buy the gift cards. Someday, I will include "clean out purse" on my To Do list.
Anyway, I now breath a sigh of relief because last week is behind me and next week will be better. And next year will be wonderful when I come across the Michaels gift card for $175!!