Sunday, February 13, 2011

How to clean your oven.

I know that two posts in one day is unusual for me, but I just had to share this great way to clean the oven.  Especially when you are having "overly critical of your housekeeping people" over for supper (like anyone I have given birth to or married, for example). 

Step One:  Buy a cherry pie from Lorraine Nicholson (can be substituted with strawberry rhubarb)

Step Two: With a very sturdy egg flipper or a cement trowel - scrape all the crud off the bottom of your absolutely cold oven.  Depending on the thickness, this may take some time.  Safety glasses would be a good idea.

Step Three:  Vacuum up all the cruddy pieces. 

Step Four:  Tell overly critical people that the crud stains left on the bottom happened when you baked the cherry pie.

Your Welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you are not referring to me because my oven is setting the fire alarm off regularly!
