Thursday, August 30, 2012

Lace Shawl

I am on the last few rows of the latest venture into knitting lace.  I am almost afraid to finish it,  because then it will have to be blocked and I really don't have much experience doing that. 

Yesterday I cleaned out my deep freeze.  Yes, I am that troubled about the blocking thing that I procrastinated by cleaning my deep freeze.  Oh man, I am in big trouble.

Whats next?  Sorting out the office, actually filing all that sh*t that Murray and the taxman think should be kept?  Cleaning out closets? Tidying up the basement? It will have to be something awful, because its been my experience that if I procrastinate doing something fun, others disapprove.  I hate others.

Still it feels good to have the deep freeze cleaned out and organized.  I have been lifting the lid and looking around inside just because I can.  I could buy a frozen pizza and I wouldn't have to eat it within 5 hours of bringing it home as there is a place where it can be kept until I actually want to eat pizza.  I can respond with smug assurance should anyone ask me how many roasting chickens are in my deep freeze.  If asked, I could declare in a clear voice that I do not have any T-bone steaks in the bottom of the deep freeze.  Nor freezer jam from 2004.  Of course, no one will ask until my freezer is a mess again when my responses will be vague and quiet and non committal.


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