It is a beautiful "September long" here. The sun is shinning, trees and lawns are still lush and green, some of my flowers, and most of my neighbours flowers are still blossoming and pretty. Its a Mr Rogers "great day in the neighbourhood" kind of weekend.
We had a first touch of frost on Saturday night, not enough to stop the cucumbers and tomatoes, but enough to give me hope that I won't always have to eat cucumber and tomato sandwiches, soup, salad, pudding for the rest of my life. I am admitting defeat and the groundsel and thistles have won another year, but NEXT YEAR things will be different, which is kind of my fall mantra every year. I held them off longer this year than last, so I am declaring a small victory if not a complete triumph.
I had my little Declan for Saturday while his Mom and Owen went to the Mud Bogs in Lipton. I really don't get the entertainment value of Mud Bogs, but it is very entertaining to have a 4-year-old tell you about all the "behicles" that were there. Oh, and btw, Declan is the sweetest little guy and the cutest baby ever. In my unbiased opinion of course.
My improved eating habits took a sorry turn, and I seriously fell off the wagon last night having a chocolate covered Dipp bar, a Halloween treat aero bar, and several chocolate chips. Once that binge was over, I hung my head in shame and disgust and crawled back on the wagon. Hopefully it was just a brief lapse in drive and will power. Or, maybe my body knew it needed that chocolate...
How about those Roughriders?! Can the coach really make that much difference? Lets hope that this is just the beginning of a trend for the rest of this season. I would rather poke a hot needle into my eye than go to an actual rider game overpopulated with drunks and idiots, but it is truly amazing when the camera pans the crowd and it is a sea of green and white. Anyway, Go Riders.
My two neighbours have their lawnmowers on Turbo and are zooming around their lawns, while their good women are in the garden digging up and picking off produce. I have pretty good stamina to ignore such things, but on this great sunny day, I am shamed into getting off this computer and getting outside. It is suppose to be nice all week - after that - who knows when it will snow??