Saturday, September 10, 2011

Insert catchy title here

It has been a glorious week when the only thing to mar the perfect blue skies are jet streams.  The hot hot days were followed by cool still nights.  Usually this is a recipe for a wild storm or something, but not this week.  I enjoyed!

But, over the last week the valley has taken on a distinctly "the good times are over" look.  There are fewer green leaves and more are coloured.  The grass is not growing as fast or as lush, the flowers are getting leggy and, well, tiresome.  My garden has been tilled down to just the corn stalks and a few tomato plants.  There are plenty of veggies sitting in my garage waiting to be eaten, but that really isn't the exciting fun part for me.  I like to see them sprout, and blossom and then produce.  I don't like to pick and process.  Thus, the good times are over.

So, in order to avoid slipping down into the abyss of total depression, we booked a holiday!  We will be going to Cancun with Holly and Cory and the kids.  And,  just to keep me buoyant and interested in the sea of life, I have another holiday with the Dubiels and the Baldocks to look forward to booking.  The booking is a lot of fun, right up to the "buy now" button stage.  Then, one really has to have determination and fortitude because once you click that, what happens next is the hard part.  Facing the credit card.  (There is always something to sap the joy).  Oh well, a month before I have to even THINK about that part.  

You have probably read my daughters "Harvest 2011" post, and my rude comment that followed.  But really, in my defence I just have to speak out.  There were many, way too many to count, days when I was weeding and watering and fertilizing and caring for that garden when she was boating, visiting, entertaining, or off to some glamorous locale like Vegas or Lethbridge.  So I was 10 minutes late with the harvest bee.  Lets make that the big deal that goes on the internet.  Not the countless - way to many to count - hours I spent getting things to the point where you could pick them.  In the blistering heat.  By myself.  Oh well, she is raising two little ladies who will, tragically, put her in her place soon enough. 

Revenge is sweet, especially when you have to wait as long as I have...

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