Saturday, January 22, 2011

Feelings of inadequacy

Have you ever checked out the blogs that I list on my site?  How do they do it?  They blog almost everyday - well with the exception of Holly and Christa - who are still at that point of their lives where carving out a minute to go pee is a huge challenge.  But the other two - sheesh!  Crochetaholic completes two or three crochet items a day, whilst reading many many pattern books she receives, searching through catalogues and on the net to order more yarn and attending some kind of Knit Knight at the Kings Arms on a regular basis.  As for the Yarn Harlot - she makes a pair of socks every month, along with other knit items too numerous to mention, writes books, attends Sock Summits and Vogue Knitting Conferences - where she is one of the guest speakers - and yet, blogs, blogs, blogs.  I also follow a number of other blogs, which I would love to include on my list, but I kind of forget how.  All of them.  Crazy prolific at whatever they do AND at blogging. 

I only work 50%, and on my work days I can assure you that once my duties as head cook are completed I settle in my favorite easy chair like sludge in a pond.  If I have remembered to grab the knitting needles before I sit down, then I might knock off a row or two - if they are short - before heading for bed.  My paper crafting, which consumes a fair chunk of my disposable income, sits piled high and for the most part untouched.  I got the sewing machine all oiled up and ready to use once, but the oil has since congealed.  I get my facebook status updated quarterly.  What is wrong with me???

Okay, too negative and will put me in a sulk and probably not enough gigabytes to contain the list.  So, what is right with me.  I am NOT an overachiever.  My family does NOT have to worry about my OCD.  People never worry when I walk in on their house when it is untidy - I may not be very athletic or agile but I can leap a pile of laundry while dodging bags of overflowing garbage and not land on the family pet.  I am polite. I don't turn down an invitation to dine out even if I have a roast in the oven.  I rarely put roasts in the oven, because I don't want to be rude if someone should invite me out to dine.  I know how to appreciate the truly wonderful - like grandchildren and pedicures.  I do not "covet thy neighbour's ass" or eat yellow snow.  I would rather be late for work than miss the wonderful sunrise at ten to 8:00.  I know full well that sunrises that occur earlier than ten to eight are not ever going to be that beautiful and so never have a moments guilt about sleeping through them.  So, that's a pretty good well rounded list.  Thanks I feel better now.

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